Day one of duromine

January 22nd, 2018

Welcome to anyone who reads this!

My name is Jess and I am 24 years old and living in Winton, Southland (hiii Jess). I have been trying to lose some weight and with the whole “new year new Ibettersortmyshitout” I decided to do some research into duromine – a prescription drug to reduce your appetite and support weight loss. When I say “some weight” we are talking about losing around 40kgs to be in a somewhat healthy zone. So no big deal..

I found that online there wasn’t much support on duromine, a few old forums from overseas from 2011, but not much realness. I am starting this blog to inform you on what I eat during the day that I post, and how the drug is affecting me. I hope to motivate some people into changing their diet before they get to the stage where they need support from the doctor with weight loss.

So today is day one on the pill! And I feel a.m.a.z.i.n.g. Imagine you have had around 10 coffees and your absolutely buzzing and have lots of energy and motivation – that’s me. I took my first pill at 6am before work. The earlier in the day the better because side effects can cause you to be awake longer at night. I packed my breakfast and lunch and away I went.

Now let me tell you, I am a huge eater. Think poor portion control and my name will be beside it. Often I will eat the same amount of my partner and have to restrain myself from having more. I typically had porridge, fruit and Greek yogurt for breakfast (around 7.30am). A few snacks for morning tea, a lunch of something “healthy” because I have been trying to be good, more snacks, a huge dinner involving some sort of mashed potato and broccoli and cheese sauce because – hello – that’s delicious. And then a dessert of maybe some cookie time mini biscuits in the bucket, yes yes yes.

Today I was not hungry at all after the pill. It’s a weird feeling, but food wasn’t on my brain. I had a peppermint tea at 7.30 because if you research side effects you get very thirsty. I then did not eat breakfast until 10.30am. I packed myself some Greek yogurt, chia seeds, a few frozen raspberries and a squirt of my favourite sugar free maple syrup (if you get one thing out of this – buy the sugar free syrup from the supermarket it’s bloody amazing).

I am a social worker so life can be busy at work, I had two clients in a row so couldn’t have lunch until 2.30pm. Usually I would be clawing the walls however today there was only a faint, sad rumble in my stomach. For lunch I made a chicken salad (starting off extra healthy) – chicken, salad, red onion, a bit of feta, and honey mustard dressing. This filled me up. I had nothing until dinner (around 6pm).

I went all health food crazy on this and made a courgette pasta with fish for tea! I peeled three courgettes and cooked it in some oil with abit of bacon and tomato. I then put fish in the oven and had half of a corn cob. My partner loved this dinner. The downside was the fish was crumbed in a box with garlic sauce in it (delicious I’ll tell you that much). However instead of two pieces I only had one.

I finished the day off with a luxe protein shake around 7.30. Great day, lots of water (around 2.5 litres). Thank you and goodnight.